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As a Canadian veteran, your story is an integral part of the growing and changing face of our veteran population.  For the past three generations of military service, the deployments and terms of service have changed.  The type of service, the type of wars and the dangers they face are all different.

In order to assist our service men and women with their transition back into civilian life, it is important to know what they have been through. By collecting the stories of over 700 veterans along our ride, we will give our country a vision of the best ways to help, assist and support the transition.

We will give the families of veterans the realization that they are not alone in their situation and provide them with the avenues to understand how different their Mother or Father is when they return from their service. Your story will connect with another soldier who thinks they are alone in their fight to reconnect with the people in their community.  Your story will make them understand they are not alone and they can find the help they need.